Kirklees bin workers vote in favour of strike action

Bin workers in Kirklees have voted to strikeBin workers in Kirklees have voted to strike
Bin workers in Kirklees have voted to strike
Bin workers in Kirklees have voted for strike action.

Members of the union Unison are prepared to walk out again in a replay of claims of discrimination and victimisation that led to threats of industrial action 18 months ago.

Paul Holmes, Kirklees branch secretary for Unison, said it was “history repeating itself”.

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Kirklees Council, which has not been formally informed of the ballot, described the union’s action as “disappointing”.

Several bin workers have been suspended for allegedly buying and drinking alcohol while on duty.

Other incidents under investigation include a car being hit by a bin wagon driven by a worker who was not qualified to drive a HGV and a refuse wagon reversing into a line of green bins.

Last year bin workers based at Huddersfield’s Vine Street depot voted for all-out indefinite industrial action in a row over working patterns, holiday entitlement and claims of harassment, bullying and racism.

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The new strike threat follows a consultative ballot on industrial action which finished on November 15. Turnout was 89% with 94% in favour.

More than 70 bin workers voted. Any potential action would affect Huddersfield and Dewsbury.

However Unison has ruled out any strike action over the Christmas period.

“The last thing we want to do is to disrupt collections,” said Mr Holmes.

“Members just want to come to work and do their jobs.

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“We had hoped that discrimination was a thing of the past. We take no pleasure in returning to this position but we have no alternative.”

He added that the “big issue” on the bins was workers facing disciplinary action as well as a delay in releasing a report on bin operations in the borough by the Association for Public Service Excellence (APSE).

That report is now more than 18 months overdue.

Mr Holmes said workers’ claims of victimisation take the form of bullying, racism, and what he described as “irregular application of policies” or an inconsistent approach to rules combined with a “heavy-handed approach” by management.

He said: “‘Does your face fit?’ seems to be the first question. That is discrimination.

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“Members are not prepared to stand for it and the results of the ballot show that.

“It’s history repeating itself but the turnout is higher than last time. Members are angry.”

The next stage in the call for strike action is for the Kirklees branch to approach the national union for permission for a legal strike ballot.

Local officers would expect to receive notification by the middle of December.

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Legal timescales means Christmas strike is out of the question, which means any industrial action would take place in the New Year “at the earliest”.

A Kirklees Council spokesperson said: “We have not been contacted by Unison regarding potential ballot action and it’s very disappointing that we have found out in this way.

“There are a number of disciplinary cases on-going within our waste collection service.

“This has resulted in six members of staff being suspended, which is not something we do lightly.

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“However we make no apology for taking robust action as we have a duty to keep the public and our own staff safe.

“All cases, which are still subject to investigations and hearings, relate to health and safety issues, and the cases which resulted in the suspension of five of the staff were reported to us by members of the public.

“If Unison have taken the decision to ballot for action now, rather than letting these cases conclude as would normally be the case, this is really disappointing.”

The council has urged Unison not to carry out its threat of industrial action but to work with it in supporting workers through the disciplinary process.